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Outpatient Addiction Rehab Los Angeles

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If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.

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Substance abuse can lead to several common symptoms that everyone can experience, however, what varies with these commonalities is the degree at which they are occurring and the need for Outpatient Addiction Rehab. For example, those who are addicted to opioids have a great risk of experiencing depression and the symptoms of it. One opioid user might appear sluggish and unmotivated all the time, while another opioid user might have small bouts of feeling depressed every so often. Or, someone can be addicted to cocaine and blow all of his or her money on it because he or she uses so frequently, while another cocaine user might not have such financial distress because either he or she does not use as often or has a more substantial cash flow.

Because substance abuse affects all kinds of people, regardless of race, gender, monetary worth, etc., this disease will present differently across the board. And, because of this, there are a number of different forms of professional treatment options available to meet the needs of all users based on how severe their substance abuse is.

One of the most popular forms of substance abuse treatment is outpatient rehab. Millions of people partake in an outpatient program each year, with several of them attending an Outpatient Addiction Rehab.

What is Outpatient Addiction Rehab?

Outpatient Addiction Rehab is a form of professional addiction treatment geared towards those who do not require the intensity of a residential treatment program, but who need a level up from regular talk therapy. It is also effective for those who are not physically dependent on one or more addictive substances or who have not made previous attempts at getting sober but did not succeed.

Our outpatient rehab program does not require the client to reside at the facility; rather this form of treatment allows clients to come and go from the facility as they continue to live at their own homes. However, a significant amount of their time will be dedicated to the treatment that is provided at our outpatient addiction rehab.

Most Outpatient Addiction Rehab programs will require clients to go to the facility anywhere from 1-2 to 3-4 days a week to participate in therapy. This will be determined based on the personal needs of each client. Each day that he or she goes to outpatient treatment, he or she should plan on spending a few hours there working on their recovery. When they have completed the program, clients can continue on with their care through a personal therapist and/or attending local support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA).

Depending on one’s substance use disorder and the severity of it, most outpatient programs last upwards of 6-8 weeks.

Therapies Offered at Our Outpatient Programs

At our Los Angeles Outpatient Addiction Rehab, clients will obtain several different forms of therapy designed to treat addictions to countless substances such as heroin, prescription drugs, and marijuana. One of the most common of these therapies is group therapy.

Group therapy joins together clients participating in the same program at our outpatient treatment in an effort to encourage positive healing. Group therapy sessions will be led by one or more therapists, depending on the size of the group. These therapists will guide clients through different therapeutic exercises designed to help them build strong communication and relapse prevention skills, as well as improve their interpersonal behaviors. One exercise that may be included in a group therapy session is psychodrama. This specific type of therapy allows individuals to essentially role play a situation in their lives that continue to plague them and has added to their substance use disorder. Not only will the individual at the center of the role-playing benefit, but so will others who are participating, as chances are that they have experienced something similar in their lives, too.

Individual therapy sessions are also offered through our Outpatient Addiction Rehab program Los Angeles. Occurring between a therapist and the client, individual therapy provides the client with undivided attention and focus on his or her addiction. A therapist will help the client identify and address hidden causes behind their addiction development, as well as work to address issues that might have developed in response to the addiction. Working on a regular basis with a therapist can allow a client to utilize introspection as a means of healing. Other benefits of individual therapy include identifying and learning how to avoid specific triggers, learning how to set boundaries that promote good overall health, and establishing a strong understanding of the disease of addiction. Within individual therapy sessions, therapists might also use different types of therapies, such as behavioral therapies or trauma treatments, to help encourage further healing.

Continue Your Recovery Through Our Outpatient Program

You might not think that you need professional treatment for your substance use because you haven’t suffered any serious consequences or are still able to maintain your job and your social circles. However, just because you still have some aspects of your life intact does not mean that you do not need help.

Outpatient Addiction Rehab can help you get the treatment you need before your substance use disorder gets worse. Through professional therapy and the support of others who are also recovering from substance use disorder, you can begin to rebuild your life in ways that encourage long-term recovery.

Do not let another second of your day go by without obtaining professional treatment. Our Outpatient Addiction Rehab can help you end your substance use disorder for good.

Call us now.

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