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Anorexia Treatment Center

Recovery Professional?

If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.

Living with anorexia can be incredibly painful both physically and emotionally. Anorexia Treatment can provide the path to recovery. Today, nearly 30 million people are grappling with this type of eating disorder. While historically females are more likely than males to experience anorexia, millions of men are impacted by this disorder, too.

Someone who is anorexic participates in obsessive behaviors related to his or her food consumption in an effort to lose weight. An individual might only eat a handful of food here and there, while others starve themselves. Having this disorder can lead to an individual becoming drastically malnourished and underweight to the point where he or she requires hospitalization to build up a healthy weight. Some other behaviors that someone with anorexia might participate in can include:

Physical symptoms of anorexia can include:

Emotional symptoms of anorexia can include:

The longer that anorexia goes untreated for, the more likely that an individual will suffer from several different consequences of their behaviors, such as the following:

Are you or your loved one experiencing the physical or emotional symptoms listed above?
Enrolling in an Anorexia Treatment can help those struggling with this dangerous disorder get the help they need to live a physically and mentally happy life.
Click below to call us now and get the help you need. We are here 24/7.

Anorexia Treatment

According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD), one person dies every 62 minutes from anorexia. This disorder has the highest mortality rate out of any other mental illness, and 1 in 5 anorexia deaths are by suicide.

In order to treat the symptoms of anorexia and prevent death, individuals who are grappling with this disorder can obtain anorexia treatment. Our professional care can provide several different levels of treatment, including those found below.

Medical Anorexia Treatment

Unfortunately, many people who either reach out for or are brought to receive anorexia treatment are severely thin to a point where there is nothing else to do at that moment but to provide immediate medical care. Usually, those who require medical care as a result of their anorexia are hospitalized right away. This is because problems such as dehydration, organ failure, and cardiac complications are likely to occur. Also, it is imperative to get the individual’s weight back up to a healthy number to prevent further physical damage from occurring, as well as to avoid death. Therefore, nurses will insert a feeding tube into the individual and will slowly but surely provide him or her with the nourishment needed to become stable.

anorexia treatment center

Anorexia Therapy

Anorexia is not a disorder that occurs for no reason. In fact, this disorder can be caused by biological and environmental factors and even a combination of both. When an individual begins participating in anorexia treatment, he or she can start to work through those factors in an effort to address the root of the problem. This is best done through individual and group psychotherapy, where the individual can share his or her background and receive valuable input that can help him or her begin healing.

Often used to treat several mental health disorders, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) are both commonly used to help treat anorexia. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps individuals change negative behaviors and thoughts that come from experiencing emotional distress. Dialectical behavioral therapy also focuses on modifying negative thoughts and behaviors but also places a strong focus on helping an individual learn how to accept him or herself and improve upon social interactions.

Anorexia, similar to substance use disorder, is a disorder that impacts the entire family unit. When one person is suffering from anorexia, family members can grapple with issues such as resentment, fear, excessive worry, and so on. The family member with anorexia can feel isolated from his or her family, overly judged, and like he or she has no one to rely on. Family therapy is a clinically proven form of therapy that can help both the individual and his or her family address all of these issues to help forge stronger connections, better communication, and an unshakable support system.

Self-care for Anorexia Recovery

When in our Los anorexia treatment program, individuals will begin to learn how to manage their disorder when they are no longer in the care of professionals. Part of that knowledge includes adopting self-care techniques that support their continued recovery. Most self-care tips include getting enough rest, exercising, and eating well, those recovering from anorexia can also adopt other forms of self-care. This can include journaling, calling a friend, doing something productive within the house or in the yard, reading, etc. Anything that adds positive value to one’s life can be considered self-care, and those recovering from anorexia should implement this into their lifestyles to promote recovery.

Recover Today From Anorexia

Anorexia is one of the most painful mental health disorders in the world. Not only are you suffering from the severe physical effects caused by the disorder, but you are probably also grappling with the emotional aspects of it, too. Continuing on with your behaviors surrounding food and nourishment will only lead to negative results, including the potential for death. And while it can be hard to ask for help, doing so can save your life.

There is no shame in struggling with an eating disorder, regardless of how severe it is. Participating in anorexia eating disorder treatment in Los Angeles can help you to not only get better physically but also address the psychological issues that stand in the way from accepting yourself as you are.

There is no time to wait. Call us today and begin your journey to recovery.

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