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Opioid Detox Center

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Someday, everything will make perfect sense. So, for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself that everything has a season.

It is nearly impossible to discuss the disease of addiction without mentioning opioids. Today, millions of people are addicted to opioids like heroin, fentanyl, morphine, and prescription painkillers. Thousands lose their lives each year due to opioid overdose, and yet, the numbers continue to rise. This is because opioids, the most abused drugs in the country, are highly addictive and extremely difficult to stop using once addicted.

People usually begin abusing opioids for different reasons. For example, some individuals were first introduced to opioids following a surgery or when being treated for a pain condition. Others might have been offered opioids at a party or in a club, while others might have found opioids in the medicine cabinet of a loved one. People do not begin abusing opioids with the intent on becoming addicted to them. In fact, they usually do so in an attempt to drown out physical, psychological, or emotional pain.

Addiction is a disease that has both environmental and biological risk factors for its development. For example, someone addicted to opioids might have a past history of neglect, domestic violence, sexual abuse, or impoverished living conditions. He or she might have experienced a severe injury, such as through a car accident. It might even be possible that he or she has suffered one or more traumatic events that have caused him or her to become predisposed to abusing opioids and other addictive substances in the future. These are all common environmental causes behind the development of opioid use disorder.

From a biological standpoint, those who find themselves addicted to opioids might be struggling with a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety, or a personality disorder. He or she might also have a history of addiction within his or her family, which automatically makes him or her more likely to experience addiction firsthand.

Opioid use disorder does not just develop out of thin air. Rather, the development of it is often tied to many other factors within someone’s life. And regardless of the pain that he or she is experiencing, the only way to live a happy and healthy life is to end his or her addiction as quickly as possible. An opioid detox is the first step in breaking this cycle of addiction.

Opioid Dependence and Withdrawal

One of the many reasons why individuals addicted to opioids continues their use is because they know that when they quit cold turkey or minimize how much they are used to consuming, withdrawal symptoms can develop. And, while these symptoms are specific to each individual’s relationship with opioids, they are known for being highly distressing.

In order to experience withdrawal symptoms, an individual must be dependent on opioids. This means that his or her body and mind must be reliant on the presence of opioids. This occurs after opioids have been continuously abused and the body becomes accustomed to functioning when opioids are in the system. When opioids are not in the system, the body and mind struggle to function normally, which is what causes withdrawal symptoms.

The severity of one’s withdrawal symptoms will be based on what kind of opioids where being abused, how long they were being abused for, and at what dosage they were being consumed. While not everyone is going to experience the same symptoms when withdrawing from opioids, a vast majority of individuals experience the following:

Many people addicted to opioids make solo attempts at getting sober, but do not succeed. While there are several reasons why someone might struggle to get sober, many times it is because individuals have trouble making it through the pain that these withdrawal symptoms produce. Thankfully, getting sober does not need to be this distressing.

Opioid Detox Center

An opioid detox center offers those addicted to opioids the physical and psychological support they need in order to safely and effectively make it through the process of detox. Drug detox is when the body is completely cleared of any and all toxic substances, such as opioids, so that the individual can be clear-headed enough to participate in comprehensive addiction treatment. Since addiction is a disease just like any other disease, it takes hard work and determination to ensure that it is properly managed. For those addicted to opioids, detox is usually the first step in their treatment.

There are many goals of detox, however, one of the most important ones is to ensure that all clients are cared for so they can be medically sound. To do that, an opioid detox provides medication-assisted treatment.

Medication-assisted treatment utilizes prescription medications like Suboxone, Subutex, and methadone. These opioid-based medications are not nearly as potent as other opioids, and when a professional administers them appropriately, an individual can slowly wean off of these drugs without suffering significant duress. These medications are known to help minimize withdrawal symptoms and decrease cravings, both of which are majorly beneficial for those attempting to recover from opioid addiction.

In addition to the medication-assisted treatment that is provided at an opioid detox center, psychiatric professionals are also available to help ensure the mental health of the clients. Serious psychological issues can develop during the detox phase, including significant conditions such as depression and anxiety. The psychiatric professionals at an opioid detox center work with clients to help them develop the appropriate coping skills to get them through detox. These professionals are also able to prescribe any medications deemed necessary in helping the mental wellbeing of the client.

Get The Help You Deserve at an Opioid Detox Center

If you are addicted to opioids, know that you are one of the millions. While you might feel lonely and secluded from others, it is important to understand that you do not suffer alone. There are also countless individuals who are finally making the effort to manage their disease in ways that allow them to live happy, fulfilled lives, and you can, too.

Contact us today to learn what your options are for entering an opioid detox. Call us now and take the next step towards freedom from addiction.

“Detox services are provided at our Experience Recovery Program. Often clients who need drug or alcohol detox will begin their journey at Experience Recovery for addition detox and transfer to Breathe or other programs for continued care. We will make sure you receive the highest care of medical detoxification at Experience Recovery.”

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