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Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

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If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.

At Breathe’s Binge Eating Disorder Program, we know that binge eating disorder (BED) can be hugely emotional and traumatic conditions to deal with, whether it is yourself or a loved one. With the right support, you can overcome this increasingly common disorder. That is why we’ve created Breakfree @ Breathe: the nation’s premier binge eating disorder treatment program.

Binge-eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the country. In fact, roughly 2.8 million people struggle with this specific disorder, making it more pervasive than breast cancer and HIV. Both men and women experience binge eating disorder, as do adolescents. Because of its reach, binge eating disorder has impacted people from all backgrounds, races, and economic classes.

When someone has binge-eating disorder, he or she can put him or herself at risk for a number of different physical effects, ranging from high cholesterol, obesity, an abnormal amount of blood sugar, etc. And, when someone is obese from binge eating disorder, the complications that can come from being overweight can be deadly, including heart attack and cancer.

Not everyone who has a binge eating disorder fits the stereotype of an overweight, gluttonous individual. Hundreds of thousands of people with this disorder are either at a normal weight, slightly overweight, or even thin. One’s body will react in ways reflective of how much the individual is binging, what he or she is binging, what his or her metabolism looks like, and how often he or she works out.

Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), binge-eating disorder is diagnosed when three or more of the following criteria are met:

This specific type of eating disorder is also diagnosable when an individual is engaging in these behaviors but does not partake in elimination, such as purging or abusing laxatives.

When someone is displaying the symptoms of binge eating disorder, he or she requires a level of care that is comparable to the severity of his or her disorder. Receiving binge eating disorder treatment can help an individual overcome his or her challenges with this disorder so that he or she can focus on other aspects of his or her life.

Are you or someone you love meeting three or more of the criteria listed above? If so then you should ask for professional help. That’s why we are here 24/7.
Click below to call us for a free assessment. Let us help.

Binge Eating Disorder Treatment

Binge eating disorder is a condition that can develop in anyone, however, there are some risk factors that increase the odds of experiencing one. These include having a family history of an eating disorder, frequent dieting, or psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. When someone has developed binge eating disorder, regardless of if it’s caused by genetics or environment, it is imperative that he or she begins treating it effectively.

When it comes to receiving binge eating disorder treatment, individuals can participate in inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment, depending on their needs. Breathe offers a multitude of treatment options for those who have severe binge-eating disorders so that they can fully recover away from the pressures of everyday life. Others find it effective to go the outpatient route, where they see a therapist and work through the issues tied to their binge-eating disorder. Regardless of the setting, there are some common forms of therapy that are proven effective in treating binge eating disorder.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)

It is extremely common for people with binge-eating disorder to have triggers that make them want to go on a binge. For example, excessive stress, arguments with a significant other, etc. can all serve as a catalyst for a binge-eating episode. Cognitive behavioral therapy is capable of helping individuals receiving binge-eating disorder treatment manage those triggers by changing the way they respond to negative feelings or thoughts so that a binge-eating episode can be avoided.

Interpersonal psychotherapy

Issues commonly discussed amongst those with binge eating disorder are interpersonal problems. It is often a conflict with spouses, parents, and friends that set off the desire to binge eat, which is why interpersonal psychotherapy is critical. This form of therapy offered at our binge-eating disorder treatment helps individuals learn how to improve their interpersonal skills so that conflict is not common and when it does occur, they know how to handle it appropriately.

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy was originally developed to treat symptoms of borderline personality disorder, however, has been used as one of the most regarded forms of therapy for several different conditions, including binge-eating disorder. When an individual is participating in binge-eating disorder treatment, he or she can learn emotional regulation, mindfulness, interpersonal effectiveness, and distress tolerance skills that help them prevent future episodes of binge eating.

In addition to therapy, those with binge eating disorder might also be prescribed medications that can help minimize their symptoms. Currently, Vyvanse is the most common medication used in binge-eating disorder treatment. This medication is typically used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), however, has proven to help those with this type of eating disorder. Other medications that are commonly used in binge eating disorder treatment include topiramate and antidepressants, both of which have shown to help control BED symptoms.

Get Help Today at Our Binge Eating Disorder Treatment Center

If you think that you might have binge-eating disorder, the best thing you can do is reach out for help.

You do not need to continue to struggle with a binge-eating disorder, no matter how minor or severe it is. With the appropriate care, you can make the changes needed in your life to support long-term happiness and health. Taking that first step is the most difficult, yet important, part of your recovery.

Do not wait any longer. Your health and wellbeing depend on it. Our binge eating disorder treatment can help you obtain the resources you need to finally put an end to your compulsive behaviors. Contact us right now. We can help.

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