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Bulimia Treatment Center in Los Angeles, CA

bulimia treatment center

Bulimia Treatment can help break the cycle of bulimia. Our Los Angeles Bulimia treatment program supports our clients to be free from bulimia. 

There have always been societal standards put in place that both women and men feel the need to live up to – specifically ones regarding appearance. However, in a world run by Instagram and Snapchat, more people than ever before are struggling with their appearance, especially their weight. Even with ad campaigns featuring curvy women and the popularity of a more voluptuous figure, women are still being inundated with societal pressure to remain thin. Men are no different, as the pressure is on to be in top-notch physical shape, too.

These set standards can play a significant role in why some men and women grapple with eating disorders, but they are not the only things that lend themselves to these disorders. Instead, environmental and biological factors play significant roles in the development of eating disorders like bulimia.

Bulimia is a mental health disorder where an individual purges the food he or she has consumed in a forceful, unnatural manner. It is extremely common for someone with bulimia to purposefully vomit after eating, abuse weight-loss supplements and laxatives, and/or fast or exercise to excess. In most cases, those who have bulimia binge eat prior to eliminating what they have consumed.

Those who have bulimia often struggle with feeling socially unacceptable in regards to their weight. They might be very insecure in their appearance and feel as though through purging food, they are in control of something. Unfortunately, this type of behavior is not only physically dangerous but psychologically damaging, too. Breathe’s bulimia treatment can help you recover in a safe and comfortable environment. 

Symptoms of Bulimia

Somebody who is bulimic might be very secretive about his or her disorder. Similar to someone with a substance use disorder, it can take a little while for those around someone who is bulimic to realize what is truly going on. The most common bulimia symptoms of this specific eating disorder include the following:

When symptoms of bulimia continue, an individual can suffer major physical effects, including the following:

From a psychological standpoint, those with bulimia are more likely to suffer from the following mental health issues in conjunction with their bulimia:

If you or someone you care about is experiencing any of the Bulimia symptoms listed above, do not hesitate to reach out for professional help.
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Bulimia Treatment

Like many mental health disorders, bulimia is a physical, emotional, and mental condition, making it more complex to treat than other disorders. Many people seek help at a bulimia treatment center in order to develop the skills needed to end their eating disorder and live a happier, healthier life.

Bulimia is best treated when an individual is taking the appropriate medication, participating in evidence-based therapies, and utilizing self-care skills.


Studies have shown that the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can help those struggling with bulimia. SSRIs are capable of easing symptoms of depression (which are often linked to those who have bulimia) by releasing higher levels of serotonin in the brain. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in the brain that can regulate mood, appetite, memory, sleep, and sexual desire/function. Those participating in bulimia treatment might be prescribed one or more of the following SSRIs:

These kinds of medications often take a few weeks to reach their full effect, meaning that individuals who are prescribed an SSRI will not experience relief right away.


While medications can work wonders for those recovering from bulimia, it is often not enough to see them through to good health. Instead, it takes a number of different therapies designed to help them sort through the psychological issues they are experiencing. Some of the most common therapies utilized in our bulimia treatment include the following:

Additional therapies known to be effective in treating bulimia include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), individual therapy, and psychoeducation.


Practicing self-care at all times, even when involved in bulimia treatment, can be the best thing an individual can do for him or herself. Self-care can include doing anything that better improves an individual’s recovery and wellbeing. Consider the following:

Start Your Recovery Today at Our Bulimia Treatment Center Los Angeles

Bulimia is a serious condition that can be fatal if not appropriately treated. If you or someone you love is struggling with bulimia, do not waste one more minute. You can recover from this disorder by attending Breathe Life Healing Center’s eating disorder treatment.

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