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Enhanced Sober Living

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If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.

enhanced sober living

Our Enhanced Sober Living program supports the transition from inpatient, partial hospitalization and intensive outpatient clinical services.

During inpatient treatment, an individual spends his or her time detoxing from addictive substances such as heroin, alcohol, and Xanax, as well as in therapy sessions designed to help him or her address the underlying causes and effects of his or her substance use disorder. At first, going from active addiction into abstinence can be jarring, however as the individual continues to partake in the therapeutic opportunities provided to them, developing a life free of substance abuse becomes a possibility.

By the time an individual is ready to leave an inpatient program, he or she has gotten physically sober and spent time working on his or her mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. However, just because an individual has reached the end of his or her inpatient treatment program does not mean that he or she is fully ready to reintegrate back into his or her everyday life. For many, there are more steps involved in getting back on their feet, including participating in enhanced sober living.

What is Enhanced Sober Living?

Enhanced sober living is often viewed as a step-down from inpatient treatment for those who are not fully prepared to get back to their everyday lives. Through this medium, individuals can continue to receive treatment and support, but at a more relaxed level so they can begin transitioning back into the real world.

Someone who is involved in enhanced sober living will live in a group home with other recovering individuals. Different from a residential treatment program, these homes are usually set in a quiet area so that everyone living there can maintain focus on their goals. The number of individuals living in a sober living home at a time will vary, however, it is usually only a few people per home.

A sober living home is not just a place where recovering drug and alcohol users can live together. Those who reside at an enhanced sober living home will have a number of rules and guidelines to follow for the duration of their stay. Unlike inpatient treatment, sober living gives individuals more freedom, meaning they can come and go and engage in regular activities on a daily basis. However, individuals might have to be back to the sober house by a certain time, be in attendance for meetings, or be at work by a pre-determined time. By no means are any addictive substances allowed within a sober house, and all who live in the sober house must be responsible for their roles in keeping the house tidy and neat.

Those participating in enhanced sober living will be made aware of the rules, and if they are not followed, they will possibly be asked to leave the residence.

Benefits of a Sober House

By living in a sober house, individuals can benefit greatly prior to their full-fledged return to their everyday lives. Enhanced sober living offers the primary benefit of allowing individuals to continue on with their treatment in the event that they are not fully ready to complete addiction treatment. Several individuals struggle after they leave an inpatient program and go home because they are overwhelmed, nervous, and unsure of how to proceed in their lives. In many cases, these feelings and uncertainties can lead to relapse.

However, going into an environment where a continued, however less involved, presence of treatment is provided can be the greatest benefit for those participating in sober living.

Additional benefits can include the following:

Anytime that an individual is wary of leaving an inpatient program and going right back to their regular lives, transitioning into a sober living home should be considered.

Enhance Your Recovery Through Our Sober Living Homes

There is no timeline on when you should be fully recovered from a substance use disorder, as everyone recovers at their own pace. If you finish a residential program, but still feel as though you have more work to do, then moving into sober living might be the best option for you.

To determine if you should participate in a sober living home program, you and the professionals at your inpatient treatment program can assess your progress and continued treatment needs to make that decision.

Just because your rehab program is over does not mean that your care has to be over, too. Through transitioning into enhanced sober living, you can keep moving forward with your treatment so that you can feel fully stable in your recovery when it is time to get back to your life.

If you need help, do not wait. Call us right now.

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