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Breathe’s Signature Services

Breathe’s Signature Services have supported many people in their recovery. Our industry-leading programs provide the custom health care each client needs for their recovery. 

Today, upwards of 40 million people are struggling with a substance use disorder. That means that millions of people are regularly abusing substances like alcohol, opioids, stimulants, and synthetic drugs like methamphetamine, or “meth”.

When a substance use disorder is present in one’s life, he or she will suffer from a number of different consequences, however, will grapple with finding a way to stop using, even if they want to. The same goes for those who are afflicted with an eating disorder or a co-occurring mental health conditions.

Abusing drugs and/or alcohol or having an unhealthy relationship with food does not come without risk.

Instead, those who are struggling with these issues more likely to experience constant family conflict, trouble in the workplace, isolation from friends, and deceitful and selfish behavior.

They might also become homeless, contract a blood-borne disease (specifically those who abuse drugs intravenously), or find themselves hospitalized due to malnourishment.

And while great strides have been made to destigmatize addiction and eating disorders, people all across the United States still view these issues as choices, making it that much harder for those who have a substance use disorder or eating disorders, as it comes with judgment and poor treatment by others.

Breathe is an LGBT-certified organization.

So, when an individual finally decides that enough is enough and reaches out for help, it is important that they are provided with several different options for care, as not everyone needs the same type of treatment. Based on the individual’s unique treatment needs, he or she will be offered one or more signature treatment services in an effort to help foster complete rehabilitation.

Goals of Our Signature Treatment Services


Breathe’s treatment services in our Los Angeles facility places a strong focus on offering means of treatment capable of addressing each client’s mind, body, and spirit. With a comprehensive approach to care put in place, our signature treatment services focus on helping those recover from chemical dependency in ways that allow them to flourish in all of these areas.

Our signature treatment services work to include as many types of treatment into one’s personalized care plan so that they receive as much assistance as possible.

Only so much personal growth can come from one specific type of treatment, such as group therapy, however, when group therapy is combined with other forms of therapy, such as behavioral therapy and individual therapy, the client can obtain several different benefits that keep him or her in recovery for a lifetime.

Types of Signature Services at Breathe

One of the top signature treatment services in Breathe’s facility is the family program. When an individual is addicted to drugs and/or alcohol or is suffering from an eating disorder, his or her family suffers, too. Therefore, as the individual is receiving treatment, this treatment service provides family programs to his or her loved ones so they can start to heal as well.

 Two family programs are offered:

breathe life signature service: family class

The Family Class occurs via the internet or phone and is done in the company of other families who have a loved one in treatment. These hour-long sessions cover topics such as boundaries, self-care, and faith.

The 5-Day Family Workshop is done in person over the span of five days. Family members of someone in treatment will participate in a workshop that helps them understand recovery, develop appropriate self-care practices, and address issues related to the loved one’s condition, to name a few.

Breathe Signature Services LGBTQI

The LGBTQI community faces a unique set of struggles when it comes to substance abuse and eating disorders, which is why our signature treatment services provides a program designed specifically for them. Through this program, LGBTQI individuals can receive specific therapies to help them through the types of challenges they have faced that have likely contributed to their addiction.

Additionally, since the LGBTQI community struggles with meth addiction more than any other addiction, Breathe’s signature services offers a meth addiction treatment track known as the Crystal Clear™ program.

Case Management

The LGBTQI community faces a unique set of struggles when it comes to substance abuse and eating disorders, which is why our signature treatment services provides a program designed specifically for them. Through this program, LGBTQI individuals can receive specific therapies to help them through the types of challenges they have faced that have likely contributed to their addiction.

Additionally, since the LGBTQI community struggles with meth addiction more than any other addiction, Breathe’s signature services in Los Angeles offers a meth addiction treatment track known as the Crystal Clear™ program.

Breathe is an LGBT-certified organization.

BreatheOUT is a signature service that continues to connect individuals to treatment even after they have completed the program. These connections include attending reunions, participating in service opportunities, running marathons, and working as a 12-Step sponsor.

Breathe takes pride in offering a full curriculum of different services designed to meet the many needs of those looking to recover from substance use disorders and eating disorders.

Get the Help You Deserve Today

Whether you are struggling with a substance use disorder, an eating disorder, or a mental health condition, Breathe’s signature treatment services  can provide you with the appropriate treatment needed to obtain full-fledged recovery.

You do not need to keep abusing drugs, obsessing about your meals, or suffering from the symptoms of your mental health condition. You deserve more, and you can obtain more by reaching out to Breathe Healing Life Centers. Not only can you be provided with several different means of therapy and treatment, but you will also be continually supported and encouraged to keep doing the “next right thing” so that your recovery can last for the rest of your life.

Do not wait any longer to reach out for the help that can change your life. Contact us right now to get started on your path to recovery today.

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