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Individual Case Management

Recovery Professional?

If you can quit for a day, you can quit for a lifetime.

A psychology specialist explaining an action plan for recovery to a troubled teenage boy during an individual therapy session.

Individual case management at Breathe Life Healing Centers ensures each client has recovery life support while treatment, as they discharge from care with case management options after care.

Conditions such as substance use disorders, eating disorders, and co-occurring mental health illnesses impact millions of people each and every year, with more people developing them as time moves forward. People who are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol are likely to experience issues such as family conflict and social isolation, while those who have eating disorders tend to suffer from feelings of shame and guilt. Individuals with co-occurring mental illnesses often feel overwhelmed by their symptoms, as well as hopeless that there is no way to fix themselves.

And while these individuals usually share very similar effects of their conditions, they are also unique in what else they experience while addicted to drugs/alcohol, struggling with an eating disorder, and/or attempting to manage a co-occurring condition on their own. Therefore, utilizing just one approach to treating these issues is not only ineffective but also irresponsible for those who are looking to affect positive change in their lives.

In order to properly treat an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, proper case management must be put in place to do so. Case management is capable of setting clients up with the appropriate course of care while having their substance use disorder, eating disorder, and/or co-occurring disorder treated.

The role of a case manager is to not only provide a set plan for care but to also help each client continue to grow while receiving treatment. This means that he or she is responsible for adjusting one’s schedule and/or treatment plan to meet his or her needs so that they can continue to move in an upwards trajectory in their recovery.

Individual Case Management Sessions

Case managers are assigned to all clients who are receiving individual case management. These trained, experienced, and compassionate individuals will serve as a personal coach of sorts, as they will work to guide the client through his or her recovery up until the end of his or her involvement with their individual case management.

Having a case manager assigned to them through case management in facility can help individuals in a number of ways outside of being guided through the treatment and recovery process. Simply just knowing that someone is in their corner is often enough for individuals to continue to reach for their treatment goals and begin building a happy life that is free from substance abuse, disordered eating, or untreated co-occurring mental illnesses.

Some of the aspects that individual case management will focus on with all clients include the following:

Goal Setting

Individuals who are being treated for one of these common conditions often have either no experience with setting goals or have not done any goal setting for a long time. When in recovery for conditions as serious as addiction, eating disorders, and co-occurring conditions, it is critical that an individual is setting goals for him or herself. A case manager will work with the client to help him or her develop attainable goals throughout their treatment so that the process of their recovery can continue.

Self-Esteem Building 

It is not uncommon for people who are receiving individual case management to have a history of low self-esteem. In fact, low self-esteem is one of the most popular traits in those who have a substance use disorder, an eating disorder, and/or a co-occurring condition. Therefore, case managers will encourage clients to participate in exercises on a regular basis that builds their self-esteem so that they continue to grow in their recovery.

Personal Development 

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When serious conditions are impacting an individual’s life, he or she can stop progressing in his or her own development on a spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional level. This is usually due to the fact that an individual is preoccupied with the condition they are experiencing.

A case manager can work on personal development with the client so that he or she can advance in all areas of their life and do so successfully without addiction, eating disorders, or co-occurring conditions standing in the way.

Responsibility Coaching

Including structure into one’s everyday life after putting a stop to the active part of a severe condition like addiction, eating disorders, or co-occurring conditions can be the best way to prevent future relapse. A major part of building structure is to help clients learn how to maintain responsibility in their lives, such as going to support group meetings regularly, including self-care into their daily schedule, and upholding the responsibilities that he or she has at work, home, or school so that life can flow easily and without setbacks.

Case managers working on individual case management treatment center will ensure that clients are not only receiving these services, but also engaging in other beneficial aspects of treatment, including workshops to learn more about spirituality, responsible financial management, co-dependency, food & weight, processing feelings, and future planning.

Every single client who is receiving individual case management will get a personalized treatment plan that is unique to their specific needs and is reflective of a holistic approach to care.

Additionally, those participating in Breathe’s individual case management will also be able to work with a case manager after they have completed their program through online or phone conferencing.

Through this platform, case managers can check-in with their clients as they continue on with their recovery.

Keep Your Recovery Strong With Our Individual Case Management

If you are struggling with an eating disorder, substance use disorder, or a co-occurring condition, reach out for help today. A case manager is just one part of a comprehensive treatment plan designed to help you put your negative behaviors in the past and begin living a life that supports happiness, health, and positive wellbeing.

Do not wait. If you are in need of help and feel as though you can benefit from a case manager, ask for help right now. It is never too late to get started on the road to recovery.

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