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Residential Treatment Program Los Angeles

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Residential Treatment Program in Los Angeles

Facing addiction is an uphill battle, often fraught with seemingly insurmountable obstacles and a sense of despair. But it doesn’t have to be a battle fought alone. At Breathe Life Healing Centers, we offer a comprehensive Residential Treatment Program in Los Angeles to assist you or your loved one navigate these challenges.

Our Residential Treatment Program addresses addiction from a multidimensional perspective. We utilize evidence-based therapies and complement them with holistic practices, fostering an environment that nurtures physical sobriety, emotional healing, and mental fortitude.

At Breathe, we understand the importance of personalized care and a supportive environment. Our expert team, equipped with years of experience, works actively to create a treatment plan that best suits your needs. We believe in the power of family involvement and extend our services to include aftercare, ensuring a robust support network during and after the treatment process.

Remember, you’re not alone, and there’s hope. With our support, a life free from addiction is a reachable reality. Let’s walk this path together toward your new beginning.

What is a Residential Treatment Program?

Friends supporting each other during community therapyA Residential Treatment Program is an intensive, structured approach to substance abuse recovery where individuals reside in a therapeutic setting for a set period, typically ranging from 30 to 90 days or longer. This immersive environment focuses on treating the whole person, acknowledging that addiction is not just a physical ailment but a complex interplay of psychological, physical, and social elements.
Our Residential Treatment Program in Los Angeles delivers a comprehensive strategy for recovery. Our team designs a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We combine evidence-based therapies with holistic practices, such as yoga and mindfulness meditation, to ensure a balanced approach to recovery. At Breathe Life Healing Centers, we address not just the symptoms of addiction but also the underlying causes, helping you to rebuild your life and thrive in sobriety.

Residential Treatment vs. Inpatient Treatment

While the terms’ residential treatment’ and ‘inpatient treatment’ are often used interchangeably, the two have distinct differences. Both options provide 24/7 care and support in a controlled environment. Still, the level of medical supervision and the intensity of the treatment plan can vary.

Inpatient treatment is typically a higher level of care intended for individuals requiring medical detoxification or stabilization due to acute substance use disorders. Patients in inpatient treatment have access to round-the-clock medical supervision, which can be essential during the initial recovery phases.

Conversely, residential treatment programs offer a slightly lower level of medical supervision in a home-like setting. These programs are designed for individuals who have completed any necessary detoxification and are ready to focus on their recovery’s psychological and social aspects. They involve a longer stay, emphasizing skill-building, self-discovery, and long-term recovery planning.

While both types of programs provide structured, round-the-clock support, residential treatment places a greater emphasis on therapy and personal development, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a holistic approach to recovery.

Who Needs Residential Treatment in Los Angeles?

Deciding to seek help for substance abuse is a significant step, and determining the right level of care for your unique situation is paramount to a successful recovery journey. A Residential Treatment Program can be the turning point for individuals grappling with addiction and those who have had unsuccessful attempts at sobriety.

This program often benefits people struggling with chronic or severe substance abuse. Residential treatment allows them to remove the daily triggers and stressors that fuel addictive behaviors, providing a safe and supportive environment to focus on healing.

Residential treatment is also an excellent option for those with co-occurring disorders. At Breathe, we understand that substance use often goes hand in hand with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and PTSD. Our multidisciplinary team is skilled in managing these complex situations, providing integrated care that simultaneously addresses addiction and mental health concerns.

Additionally, individuals who lack a stable or supportive living environment can find solace in a Residential Treatment Program. The structured routine and 24/7 support can help cultivate the resilience and coping skills necessary for long-term recovery.

Remember, everyone’s journey with addiction is different. Our team is ready to guide you to the program best suited to your needs, providing you with the tools to begin your path to recovery.

What to Expect at Our Residential Treatment Program in Los Angeles

Therapist holding patient's hands during residential treatment program.

At Breathe Life Healing Centers, we strive to make the journey to recovery as transparent and supportive as possible. Here’s what you can expect when you choose our residential treatment program in Los Angeles:

Detox for Substance Abuse

The first step in our residential treatment program typically involves a medically supervised detox. During this phase, you’ll be under the watchful care of our medical team, ensuring your safety and comfort as your body eliminates the substances. Before an individual can begin the therapeutic portion of their residential treatment, they must be of clear body and mind. Depending on the type of substance or substances that you were abusing, the detox stage can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Afterward, residential treatment will provide medical and mental health care to support you through this often overwhelming first step of recovery.

Addiction and Trauma Therapy

Once detox is complete, the focus shifts to understanding and addressing the root causes of your addiction. Addiction, trauma, and eating disorders are illnesses that affect individuals mentally and emotionally, which is why implementing evidence-based therapy is critical to help them root out the core issues that pertain to their harmful behaviors.

To help do this, you will participate in individual, group, and family therapy sessions if recommended. The three therapies will help you uncover the underlying causes of your issues, helping you develop practical coping skills and encourage improved communication and socialization.

We will provide you with other effective therapies for treating addiction and trauma. These therapies include immersion therapy for trauma, cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT) for behavioral changes. Our approach aims to determine the therapeutic methods that best suit your situation.


Recovery is a lifelong journey; our commitment to your wellness doesn’t end when the residential treatment program does. Our aftercare planning begins from the moment you enter our program. We help you create a personalized plan considering your needs, lifestyle, and recovery goals.

Aftercare might involve step-down care. It can include avoiding triggers, preventing relapse, and maintaining strong mental and physical health. It can also include personal details, such as not getting into any new relationships within the first year of recovery or dedicating oneself to going to 12-Step meetings X amount of times each week. The goal is to ensure you have the necessary support and tools to maintain your newfound sobriety in the long term.

Joining our residential treatment program in Los Angeles means embracing a comprehensive, supportive, and tailored path to recovery. Together, we can rediscover the strength within you and foster a substance-free life.

What are the Benefits of Our Residential Treatment Program?

Individuals engaging in group therapy as part of residential treatment holistic approach.

Our residential treatment program in Los Angeles stands out due to various unique benefits designed to foster healing, personal growth, and long-lasting recovery.

Here are some advantages you’ll experience with our program:

  • Physical Health Improvement: With proper medical care and cessation of substance use, clients often experience improved physical health, including better sleep, improved nutrition, and decreased risk of substance-related illnesses or diseases.
  • Psychological Healing: Intensive therapy can help individuals work through trauma, stress, and mental health disorders that may co-occur with substance use. It often leads to improved mental health and overall wellbeing.
  • Skills Development: Residential programs often include life skills training, helping individuals learn essential skills such as stress management and job readiness, which can lead to improved self-sufficiency and life satisfaction.
  • Improved Relationships: Through therapy and communication skills training, individuals can learn how to rebuild damaged relationships and create healthier interactions, improving their personal and family life.
  • Long-Term Recovery Skills: Residential programs provide education on managing cravings, avoiding triggers, and preventing relapse. These skills are invaluable for maintaining long-term recovery.
  • Increased Self-Esteem: As individuals progress in their recovery, accomplish goals, and rebuild their lives, they often experience a significant boost in self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • Community Building: In a residential program, clients can build a supportive community with others who are also recovering. These relationships can provide a significant source of ongoing support.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Overall, the combination of physical and mental health improvements, skills development, and enhanced relationships contributes to a significantly improved quality of life.


Therapies We Offer During Our Residential Treatment in Los Angeles, CA


Substance addiction often masks deeper, underlying psychological issues. These issues may be the root cause of addiction or can contribute to its persistence if left untreated. That’s why, at Breathe Life Healing Centers, we strongly emphasize addressing these core issues through comprehensive therapeutic interventions.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT is an evidence-based approach that helps you understand the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Our skilled therapists guide you to identify negative thought patterns that lead to destructive behaviors and replace them with healthier ones.
  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: DBT is another powerful therapeutic method, especially effective for individuals who struggle with emotional regulation. Our DBT sessions teach distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness.
  • Trauma Therapy: For those who have experienced complex trauma, it’s essential to address these painful memories as part of the healing process. Our experienced therapists provide a safe, supportive environment to explore past traumas and facilitate healing.
  • Family Therapy: Addiction affects the entire family, not just those struggling with substance abuse. That’s why we include family therapy sessions in our residential treatment. We believe in healing together, helping families understand addiction and navigate recovery.
  • Holistic Therapies: Our commitment to treating the whole person extends beyond traditional therapy. We offer a range of holistic therapies like yoga, mindfulness meditation, and nutritional counseling. These therapies promote overall wellness, reduce stress, and enhance your recovery.


How Long Does it Take to Complete a Residential Treatment Program?

Doctor supporting patient on her journey to recovery

When it comes to recovery, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all timeline. The duration of your stay in our residential treatment program in Los Angeles varies depending on your needs and progress. A residential treatment program can range from 30 to 90 days. However, extended care options are available for those who may need longer support.

Additionally, a person might spend 30-45 days in a residential treatment program before returning to their home environment. At this point, they usually continue their recovery through an intensive outpatient program in their local community for another 45 days or so. This approach still offers a comprehensive 90-day treatment span but incorporates greater flexibility during the concluding phase.

It’s important to remember that recovery isn’t a race—taking the necessary time to heal fully is paramount to a successful, long-lasting recovery. At Breathe Life Healing Centers, we create personalized treatment plans tailored to your needs, ensuring you receive the right amount of support for as long as needed.

What Happens After Residential Treatment?

As you finish your residential treatment journey, you might wonder, “What’s next?” It’s crucial to understand that maintaining long-term sobriety and recovery is a lifelong commitment. It’s an ongoing process, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

After residential treatment, it’s not uncommon for you to transition into ‘step-down care.’ It could include our intensive outpatient program, designed to offer continued support while allowing you to reintegrate into your everyday life. Regular therapy sessions are another critical element of this post-treatment phase, helping to reinforce coping strategies and encourage personal growth.

In addition, we’ll assist you in connecting with local resources like support groups, where you’ll find others who truly understand your journey. Overcoming addiction is about changing your lifestyle, establishing healthier coping mechanisms, and building a supportive community around you. Aftercare plays a crucial role in all these aspects, helping you maintain your progress and continue to grow beyond treatment.

Why Choose Us for Residential Treatment in Los Angeles, CA?

Front view of the Breathe Life Healing Centers facility, where residential treatment program in Los Angeles is offered for those struggling with addiction.

Choosing the right residential treatment center for you or your loved one is an important decision. We understand the weight of this choice, and at Breathe Life Healing Centers, we can provide the compassionate, effective treatment you’re looking for.

Here’s why:

  • Personalized Treatment Plans: We recognize that each person’s journey to recovery is unique. That’s why we offer customized treatment plans tailored to each individual’s specific needs, preferences, and circumstances.
  • Experienced Team: Our team comprises highly trained and experienced professionals, including doctors, therapists, counselors, and support staff, who work together to provide holistic care.
  • Evidence-Based Therapies: We utilize proven, evidence-based therapies such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), trauma therapy, and more to ensure the effectiveness of our treatment programs.
  • Quality Facilities: Our center in Los Angeles provides a comfortable, safe, and nurturing environment for recovery. With well-appointed spaces and a serene atmosphere, you can focus entirely on your healing.
  • Family Involvement: We understand the importance of a support system in recovery, so we actively involve families in the treatment process, providing them with the necessary tools to support their loved ones effectively.
  • Accreditations and Certifications: We are proudly accredited by the Joint Commission, a testament to our commitment to high-quality care and continuous improvement.
  • Insurance Coverage: We accept most major insurances, making our top-notch treatment programs accessible to more individuals.
  • Aftercare Services: Post-treatment, we offer comprehensive aftercare services, providing continued support and resources to help maintain long-term sobriety and recovery.


Does Insurance Cover our Residential Treatment in Los Angeles, CA?

We understand that the cost of treatment can be a major concern for many individuals and their families. At Breathe, we aim to make our comprehensive treatment programs as accessible as possible. Therefore, we are committed to working with you to understand your insurance coverage and help streamline your treatment process’s financial aspects.

We’re proud to work with most insurance companies, and our team is highly experienced in maximizing the benefits available to you. You can provide us with your insurance details, and we’ll do the rest. We’ll verify your coverage, explain the benefits, and discuss any out-of-pocket expenses you may need to cover.

In addition, we are working diligently to become an in-network provider with even more insurance companies to expand our reach and serve more individuals needing our services. We are also thrilled to announce that we are now in-network with Beacon Health Options. This partnership is a testament to our commitment to providing accessible, top-quality residential treatment in Los Angeles.

Begin Your Recovery with Residential Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Overcoming addiction is a courageous journey, and taking the first step is often the most challenging. If you or a loved one is grappling with addiction, know you don’t have to face this challenge alone. Help is available, and it begins with a decision to reach out.

At Breathe Life Healing Centers, we offer a residential treatment program that is built upon compassion, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to rebuilding lives. Our program is designed to provide a safe, nurturing space where you can focus on healing and recovery. With a team of experienced professionals and a diverse range of therapies, we provide the care you need to conquer addiction and reclaim control over your life.

Contact us today to learn more about our residential treatment program in Los Angeles, CA. Let us help you start your journey to a healthier, addiction-free life. Your path to recovery begins here.

Are You Ready to Take the First Step?