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Exploring Types of Eating Disorders: A Comprehensive Guide

Hands of a woman holding a knife and fork poised above a plate with a single pea, symbolizing restrictive eating habits, featured in a guide exploring types of eating disorders.

Eating is a complicated part of life. It’s affected by all sorts of things like our genes, upbringing, mental health, media imagery, biological changes, and even injuries. This is why we see so many different types of eating disorders! This article will explore the definition, causes, and all the different types of eating disorders, their […]

Obesity: I’m Not Big, Why We Loathe to Admit it

breathe life healing center

Brad Lamm, CIP  |  As Americans continue to gain weight, countless doctors and medical teams are slaving away to address the obesity epidemic. Could it be that the easiest fix is as simple as taking an honest look in the mirror? The majority of Americans don’t see themselves as overweight. Unfortunately our statistics say otherwise. […]

Obesity: The World is Literally Round

breathe life healing center

by Brad Lamm, CIP The world is round, and now we know, so are more than 30% of occupants on it as obesity continues to climb worldwide and the epidemic of struggle grows. It’s more than food, fat or feelings- and I know from working on the front line of this painful battle, how we […]