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Time To Give Back: “˜Tis the Season To Think of Others

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How former opiate addiction treatment patients can give back


During the holidays, we take a moment to think of others in need and how we can give back. If you are a looking for a meaningful charity to donate to this season, take a look at some of our favorites. These charities, of very different sizes and scopes, all contribute to the causes nearest and dearest to our hearts, particularly those whose loved ones were once opiate addiction treatment patients at Breathe Life Healing Centers. Here were the ones that caught our eye this season:

1. The Drug Policy Alliance. This New York-based non-profit works to reform policies on drugs “that are grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights.” The DPA strives to pass legislation that supports those suffering from addictions like opiate addiction, and break down negative stigmas about the victims – often young people and people of color – of the war on drugs.

2. D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is a national educational program that teaches students about drugs and empowers them to make positive, healthy life decisions. Your donation will help bring the drug prevention program to more neighborhoods and schools. While educating our youth about the dangers of drugs, like opiate addiction, D.A.R.E. shows how awesome and positive a drug-free lifestyle will be.

3. To Write Love On Her Arms. This organization supports people struggling with substance addiction like opiate addiction, depression, self-injury and suicide. They promote a vision of love, acceptance and community, focusing on getting people into treatment and recovery. They host events such as “Heavy and Light: An Evening of Songs, Conversation and Hope,” and sell apparel that promotes love and hope. They feel accessible and relatable to a young, contemporary crowd.

4. The Moyer Foundation. Works to provide comfort to children affected by addiction in their families. They have two camps; Camp Erin helps children grieving losses and Camp Mariposa specializes in supporting children who have experienced opiate addiction in their families. Your donation can fund a camper to attend one of these incredible havens, where they will receive comfort and be surrounded by a community of support and understanding.

Of course, there are millions of meaningful, important charities out there, and we encourage you to find one that speaks strongly to you and donate whatever way you can – be it monetary, volunteering your time or spreading the word about the cause. As Hamilton Wright Mabie said, “blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” May the holiday spirit move you to one of generosity and giving!

dare - time to give back - tis the season to think of others

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