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The Doctors

Recovery Professional?

Change must start from the individual. And the individual must want and feel ready to make such change.

A 500-pound woman reaches out to The Doctors for help. With the help of Breathe Life Healing Centers’ Clinical A-Team, can she be saved from her life-threatening food addiction?

Is someone you love struggling with addiction?

What we struggle with most, is that we need food to survive. Unlike alcohol or drugs, which can be managed with abstinence, eating cannot. We need to understand our relationship with food, learn what our body needs to be healthy, and make some tough new choices about how and why we eat through each day.

The SOS Steps You Can Take:

How Can Breathe Help?

As an expert in treating food + weight issues, Breathe Life Healing Centers recognize the importance of having a fully customized approach to treating clients suffering with overeating issues, food issues and weight loss issues.  We take into account not only the food/weight issues but the trauma or psychological issues underlying. Our treatment includes rich clinical programming, fitness coaching, nutritional education and community building.

At Breathe we offer an environment that allows you to work through your addiction. We provide workout facilities and nutritional plans that you can enjoy throughout your 90 days with us. By the end of your stay you won’t just be feeling great, you’ll be more confident, and living your life back on your terms.

Call us today 800-929-5904 or fill out the form below to verify your benefits.

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Most PPO policies provide coverage for Breathe Life Healing Centers + Treatment Services. Medicaid, Medicare + HMO policies DO NOT provide coverage for Breathe.

Are You Ready to Take the First Step?