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Dual Diagnosis: What is the Relationship Between Substance Abuse and Mental Illness?

breathe life healing center

What is a dual diagnosis? This is when someone is diagnosed with a mental health disorder while also dealing with an addiction or substance abuse problem. We often recognize depression or anxiety as illnesses, thus a diagnosis. However, struggles with drugs or alcohol count as a diagnosis as well: substance abuse disorder. This is because […]

Light Up My Life

man smoking

Brad Lamm, CIP On each pack of cigarettes, the warning states, in all caps, ‘smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema and may complicate pregnancy.’ Yet for many years, I’d light up my favorite fix with barely a glance at those words. While in recovery from crystal meth and my bout with bulimia, I kept […]

BREEDING ADDICTION: Moms, Babies + Opiates Arrive Pre-Loaded

breathe life healing center

by Brad Lamm, CIP  The news is in on pregnant moms and addictive pain killers. It ain’t good. According to data revealed in a recent New York Times article, more than 1 in 5 pregnant mothers are being prescribed opioid painkillers by doctors. The primary symptom breeding opiate use for pregnant women is not a […]